What we do.

We distinguish ourselves through well-­founded and qualified knowledge to help you trans­form corporate and sus­tainability con­tent into visually appealing and automated software-­based reports. Our goal: Do it your­self!

With our pro­found, holistic under­standing of business re­porting and our passion for sustainable solutions, we are thriving to revolutionize your corporate reporting from data connectivity to pub­lication.

We provide targeted advice on your processes, trans­form your layout re­quirements into designs that work instantly, and develop soft­ware that meets regulatory re­quirements.

Simplified. Smart. Sustainable.

Data management
Collaborative work
ESEF/ESG compliant reports
Printable layout
Flexible interfaces
Certified software

Our software.

The solution for business and sus­tainability re­porting. End-to-end. Connect your Data to the up­stream system. Editorial system. Consistent. Editing and up­dating at the click of one button. ESEF/ESG built-in. Micro­soft Office based. Collaborative. Plug and Play. Online re­porting. Print. Multi­lingual. Layouts in perfection.

In times of in­creasing regulation (ESEF, ESG) and tighter timings for the pre­paration of corporate re­ports,
the usage of soft­ware is an efficient step. With the firesys Dis­closure Management System,
you are on the safe side if you are looking for a consistent, sustainable and cost-conscious end-to-end solution.

From data connection and the editing of figures and texts in multiple languages to ESEF-compliant pub­lication of your re­ports - in your company's corporate design - you master every step
effortlessly at the push of one button. Thanks to the short implementation phase, you can digitize your corporate re­porting in no time. Our user-friendly soft­ware environment in
the familiar Microsoft Office world, as well as the smart menu navigation, guarantee quick success in the creation of your company re­ports.

Our re­porting soft­ware solution complies with the latest re­gulatory re­quirements and EU certifications.

  • Easy and fast implementation - client solution without server
  • In-house and collaborative work
  • No correction loops due to high auto­mation
  • Permanent printable re­port-design - no re­positioning, no media dis­continuity
  • Re­duction of error sources through automatic data trans­fer
  • Process re­liability - versioning and validation
  • Desired layout according to your design agency's specifications or Premium Layout with­out agency
  • Work­flow management - work according to authorizations
  • Completely based on Microsoft® Office - your familiar environment
  • Solutions for on­line re­porting and ESMA re­quirements (iXBRL)

Our soft­ware solution is continuously and consistently de­veloped and therefore always technologically up to date. Combined with the know­ledge of our customers' needs and re­quirements, we develop both individual and standardized user-friendly soft­ware solutions and thus trans­form the market of cor­porate re­porting.

  • The European Single Electronic For­
    mat (ESEF) obligates all stock exchange-oriented groups and those preparing their accounts in accordance with IFRS to pre­
    pare annual reports in iXBRL
    (Inline XBRL) and XHTML from the year 2020.
  • The built-in firesys solution processes all XBRL and IFRS taxonomies with one click.
  • User-friendly and easy handling allows you to efficiently control the tagging in different data for­
    mats (Word, PDF, HTML) in-house. Once a mapping has been created, it can easily
    be carried over into the following year. In addition, the soft­
    ware is XBRL as well as ISAE 3000 certified and thus complies with IDW PS 880.
  • Say no to coordination loops, inter­
    face problems and high costs with external service providers. Tag your annual reports cost-consciously, consistently and sustainably with firesys.

We are a proud Microsoft Certified Partner in the area of "In­dependent Soft­ware Vendor (ISV)" since 2010.
Re­quirements for this status are a high level of employee training and proof of several major customer projects with high customer satisfaction.
With re­certification in 2020, firesys renewed the "Gold Partner" status.

Our company is certified to ISO/IEC 27001. ISO 27001 is an internationally recognised standard for information security management systems (ISMS). It offers a systematic approach to protecting confidential data, guaranteeing the integrity of information and ensuring the availability of IT systems.

For companies in the financial sector, compliance with ISO 27001 is particularly important as it helps to protect sensitive financial data from cyber-attacks, data loss and other security threats. The implementation of this standard demonstrates our commitment to the highest security standards and the protection of our customers‘ and partners’ data.

ISO 27001 covers the identification and assessment of risks, the introduction of suitable security measures and the continuous monitoring and improvement of information security management. This ensures that we always remain at the cutting edge of technology and can effectively counter the constantly changing threats in the digital world.

The implementation of the soft­ware is "plug and play". In addition to the pro­vision of an annual report with your de­sired layout and user training, you will be ready to go live within four weeks thanks to our efficient project management.

firesys experts.

Customer service par excellence. Our ex­perienced and highly specialized team advises and supports you from the acquisition to the publication of your company re­ports.

With the competence and ex­perience of more than 30 years of consulting and soft­ware development for financial, business and sustainability re­porting, we have substantial expertise in the market.
We know the legal and regulatory re­quirements, are constantly educating ourselves and fulfill all relevant EU certifications at an early stage. It is our passion to de­velop sustainable digital
solutions for corporate re­porting in a customer-oriented and partner­ship-based manner to help you handle time-consuming work at the push of a button.

  • For every implementation project, two permanent account managers are assigned to you.
  • To focus on long-term success of our projects, our account managers support you throughout the entire contract period.
  • We will  always keep you informed of any updates or regulatory changes.
  • Our re­porting soft­ware enables you to process and publish your company re­ports in­dependently without de­pendencies on service providers.
    Ex­perience has shown that various factors can lead to the need for support services in re­port finalization.
  • Various service level agreements ensure that we are available 24/7, even on week­ends and holidays. By means of an SLA,
    you can book our service according to your needs and aligned with your financial calendar.

Our customers are our first priority, we are responsible, helpful and reliable. This results in long-term business relationships, characterized by trust and loyalty.

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