The company.

For over 30 years, we have been one of the leading pro­viders in the field of financial and sustainability re­porting.

Our cor­porate success is characterized by consistent de­velopment, highly motivated employees and re­liable customer orientation. Several hundred companies rely on our auto­mated and user-friendly solutions and appreciate our personal and individual con­sulting. Following the high quality standard, our entire po­tential is used for each customer project: experience, expertise, innovative strength.

We are one of the 100 most in­novative companies in Germany and have re­peatedly been re­cognized as a top employer. Our open­ness to continuous further de­velopment is also under­scored by strong collaborations, regular certification pro­cesses and goal-oriented member­ships.

The firesys team: interdisciplinary, professional, customer-oriented.

The de­cisive factor for the company's success is the people who invest a lot of energy in the further de­velopment of the company in a motivated and de­termined manner.

The team behind firesys is characterized by di­versity. This applies to our origins, our know­ledge, our competencies and our solution strategies. We enjoy working on holistic and sustainable solutions. What we all have in common is our strong customer focus. firesys is owner-managed and led by Diana Kaufhold and Imran Mohammed.


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